When picking web server software, you should use the same considerations you used when choosing an operating system. You will also have to consider compatibility with your operating system and the best overall efficiency for the type of site or sites you want to run.

The following are some of the factors you should consider when choosing your web server:

1. OS compatibility. Which web server runs best with your OS? Some options, like Microsoft’s IIS will only run on Windows. Others like Apache can run on a variety of OSes.

2. What is the objective? If you need something robust with a lot of options and modules, Apache is probably the best. For a server that is fast and lightweight, you may prefer Ngnix.

3. What type of web applications are you running? For java server pages, Apache Tomcat (Jakarta) or software like it will be necessary. For PHP applications, you have a few more options. For ASP.NET, you will most certainly need Windows.

4. What is your budget? The big name operating systems like Apache and IIS come with their server operating systems, but others may have their own additional price tags. Is it worth it to you to pay extra for a web server?

5. How will you manage it? This will affect your choice of web-based control panel and many other options. Some of them even install your web server for you. You will need to consider this before you choose your software.

By: Tavis J. Hampton