Maintenance Window: June 09, 2019

Start Time: 18:30 EDT
End Time:   21:00 EDT

Services Affected: Power (Shared & Reseller Hosting USA)
Service Location(s): Lenoir DC
Expected Impact: No impact anticipated as the site has redundant power

Details: Please note our hydro provider servicing the Data Center will be performing emergency maintenance activities. The facility will be transferring to generator power and we anticipate no impacts during the window. Our Data Center technician will be on site during the maintenance conducting site walk through to ensure no issues. If you should experience an issue during this time please contact our support team. We appreciate your understanding.

If your contact information is incorrect or has recently changed or you feel you have received this notification in error, please kindly provide us with your new details so we can ensure you do not miss any future communications.

Our support team will be available for assistance 24/7. For questions, concerns, or to report a problem about this notification, please contact our Operations Center:

To open a trouble ticket: [email protected]