Maintenance Window: June 15, 2019
End Time:    12:00 EST
Start Time:  00:01 EST

Services Affected: None
Service Location(s): 801 Main Street NW Lenoir, North Carolina
Expected Impact: There is no expected impact. While CentriLogic has taken all necessary precautions in preparation for the maintenance that you may consider powering down your systems for the first 30 minutes of the maintenance window to minimize any disruption to your business.

Details: Please be advised that we will be performing regular maintenance on our UPS unit. There is no expected impact. This is an advisory notification only.

If your contact information is incorrect or has recently changed or you feel you have received this notification in error, please kindly provide us with your new details so we can ensure you do not miss any future communications.

Our support team will be available for assistance 24/7. For questions, concerns, or to report a problem about this notification, please contact our Operations Center: