Tag: email

The Email Manager – the tool you can manage all your basic and add-on email settings from

The advanced computing technologies today are offering us many options to control our email communication with the world. When most of the options are gathered under one roof, you will be happy to manage any of your email settings with just a few clicks. This great convenience in using email is brought to you by the advanced Email Manager tool, offered by your host.

The majority of hosting providers today offer user-friendly email management interfaces, integrated into their Control Panel solution, that contain all the basic and supplementary options you will need to maintain an efficient e-correspondence with your friends, partners or customers. In our previous email post you were acquainted with the basic services for a smooth email communication. Now let’s look at some of the supplementary services that could be just as useful as the basic ones:

Email Aliases – these services expand the functionality of the regular email addresses, by allowing you to set unlimited number of email aliases to a single email account. Looking exactly like an email address, the email alias does not have its own storage or a mailbox. It represents a forwarding email address that allows an email to be addressed to one mailbox but to be redirected to another mailbox instead. Using email aliases is really helpful, allowing you to create various alternative names for one original mailbox.

Catch-all Emails – activating the catch-all option for a certain mailbox, you authorize the mailbox to collect all messages sent to a mistyped or a non-existing address, which contains the domain name of the catch-all email in its spelling. In other words, if you have an email at [email protected], all emails sent to [email protected] will be sent automatically to [email protected]. What a convenient way to decrease the amount of lost messages from your friends or customers!

Mailing Lists – in contrast to the mission of the catch-all emails, to bring various messages to one mailbox of yours, the mailing lists are aimed at helping you send one and the same message to multiple recipients at a time. This service is especially applicable to mass advertising campaigns and community event announcements. To get a mailing list going, you will need to collect an opt-in list of Mailing List Members, the friends, customers or community members who agree to take part in your mailing group.

Spam Filters – using spam filters you take full control of the inbound email addressed at your mailboxes and block any unsolicited spam content from breaking into your personal e-space. Also, setting spam filers you can also organize your incoming emails into separate thematic folders for easier reference to their contents.

To get any of the afore-listed supplementary email services, you need to consider taking a web hosting account, where you will have access to many more options for control over the communicative side of your web presence.

Problem pengiriman email pada server hippo.listdns.info

Pelanggan YTH, sejak kemarin server hippo.listdns.info sedang menghadapi problem pengiriman email (SMTP Server), dikarenakan 1 minggu yang lalu, server hippo.listdns.info terkena laporan spam dari luar. Untuk sementara waktu, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan SMTP dari ISP untuk pengiriman email ke luar apabila Anda menggunakan email client. Saat ini kami masih menghandle problem ini agar cepat teratasi. Mohon maklum atas kejadian ini. Terima kasih.

Promo Domain .ASIA!!

dotasialogoSalah satu domain yang tercepat perkembangannya di Top Level Domains di pasaran yaitu domain .ASIA yang lebih di prioritaskan untuk customer dari Asia Pasific. Pada bulan ini PLiKhost mempersembahkan Promo Domain .ASIA untuk pendaftaran tahun pertama seharga 70rb saja!! dan untuk transfer dan perpanjangan domain untuk tahun selanjutnya akan berlaku harga normal. Promo ini berlaku hingga tanggal 31 Oktober 2008, dan tidak ada batasan jumlah domain .ASIA yang dapat Anda registerkan. Segera dapatkan domain .ASIA Anda!! Hubungi CS kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut, bisa melalui email di [email protected] atau melalui YM: plikhost_cs1. Terima kasih.

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