Tag: hippo

Server Hippo – Network Problem

On 11/25/2010 some users experienced degraded network connectivity stemming from a network attack that took place around the time. The incident was roughly 70 minutes in duration lasting from 6:55pm to 8:05pm CST before it was fully mitigated by our network engineers.

This attack was related to a similar attack that we observed several weeks ago and unfortunately both attacks ceased before the effects they were causing at certain points in the network could be fully analyzed. However, we have gathered sufficient data during this incident to determine the area of the network being exploited and have put additional monitors in place to assist in gathering relevant data that can be used to more quickly mitigate such an attack if it occurs again.

Problem pengiriman email pada server hippo.listdns.info

Pelanggan YTH, sejak kemarin server hippo.listdns.info sedang menghadapi problem pengiriman email (SMTP Server), dikarenakan 1 minggu yang lalu, server hippo.listdns.info terkena laporan spam dari luar. Untuk sementara waktu, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan SMTP dari ISP untuk pengiriman email ke luar apabila Anda menggunakan email client. Saat ini kami masih menghandle problem ini agar cepat teratasi. Mohon maklum atas kejadian ini. Terima kasih.

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